you can dynamically generate a HTML table and insert it into the email message body.
In the example below, a sample dataset is converted into HTML table, and then passed to a subproject as a parameter. The parameter is inserted into the email message body. Notice that the email format is HTML, not plain text.
Hi, thanks but the problem is, it sends multiple emails with only one table in each email. Attached is a screenshot (I did not run the db connections for data privacy) however you can see I copied the example answer. How do I combine the two HTML tables into one email as the email only takes a parameter name called {HTML Table} which is the name that both tables have as a parameter.
You will have to create two parameters in the email module, for example “HTML Table 1” and “HTML Table 2”. In the parent module, you generate each HTML table individually, but you only need 1 “Iterate” action, which includes both HTML tables. You could use the “Append” action to put one HTML table next to the other right before iterating and sending them over to the email module. For example:
Thanks @roberto I follow the logic, but iterate does not allow me to add more than one parameter as can be seen by the greyed out “Assign more parameters” even though I appended as instructed.
You need to create a second parameter in the Email module called “HTML2” first. Once you create the parameter in that module, you will be able to assign the value of that column to that new parameter.