Web API to get Easymorph files on Easymorph server


Interesting article here : Making your data better with web APIs

But would it be possible to get an Easymorph file in the Easymorph server from another tool ? I mean do Easymorph provides this kind of access with key to authenticate ? Example : Getting the result of Easymorph task (an Excel file for example) in Power BI Desktop with Web connector.

I know tasks can be run with a web link. But Can files be retreived in the same way ?

Yes, it’s possible. No special API key required - depending on space security settings, you have to either provide the space access password, or perform the request under a Windows account that is allowed to access the space.

See this post on how to access EasyMorph Server API from other applications: How external applications can run EasyMorph workflows

The post is about running tasks, but uploading/downloading files to/from EasyMorph Server is equally possible in a similar fashion.

The link provided is explaining the .Net SDK. It does not describe the REST API itself. Do you have any document explaining the REST API, I mean the methods, arguments, the way to connect in a swagger way for example ?

We don't have documentation for the REST API itself yet. The currently recommended way of integration with external applications is using the ems-cmd utility. External applications can run the utility from the command line in order to trigger tasks, upload/download/delete/list files, and list spaces on EasyMorph Server. The ems-cmd utility can be used on Windows, and non-Windows systems that are supported by .NET Core.

If the space you're downloading files from is anonymous (requires no authentication), you can simply download files with a URL that looks like

https://<serverhost>/space/<spacename>/files/get/<relative path to file>/<file name>

The URL is visible when you hover a file in the Web Files page of EasyMorph Server.


If that helps, you can publish Power BI (push-)datasets right from EasyMorph. Also EasyMorph refresh Power BI datasets using the "Power BI Command" action.

Thanks, so let’s wait for a documentation of REST API !

Hello everyone, is there a way we can download the failed tasks list directly from easymorph server to easymorph desktop and track it on daily basis?


As you can receive email notifications when a task is failing you would be able to use a tool like power automate to compute things on top of it but that’s not the best way I suppose

The best way would be to retrieve the content of the easymorph journal containing all failures. This journal is a sqlite database file by default stored in the server : C:\ProgramData\Easymorph Server\Journal.db. It’s easy to query through easymorph for example. You can also configure the journal to be an external database (server settings) and then decide to query that database.

At last I understood that in a future release there will be a new easymorph server command action to retrieve journal content.
