SFTP Upload Error - Operation Has Timed Out

Hi -
I can verify that I can manually upload the file to the SFTP server. But when I use the file transfer protocol it gives me a time out error.

I do not see a place to set a timeout setting in the connector. The file is pretty large at 25 megs

I’m using Version:

Hi Adam,

Can you please tell me approximately how much time passed before this error occurred?


The elapsed time is anywhere between 16 - 20 seconds each time I’ve tried it.

Adam, can you please:

  • Try to upload this file to a non-root folder, like “/home/{username}”.
  • Open Diagnostic information popup from About toolbar and send the content of both tabs of that popup to our support email.

Also please tell us:

  • When you manually uploaded this file to SFTP server - were you using the same user credentials, target folder and other connection settings as in EasyMorh connector?
  • Does the connector, which you are using, is configured to use a proxy server. If yes - which type of proxy does it use?
  • Which type of internet connection you are using? It it a broadband connection or somthing slower, like mobile internet?


Hi Andrew

Just as an example, I have a SFTP on Digital Ocean that is in my control and the same file transfered successfully in ~40 seconds using EasyMorph.

  • Try to upload this file to a non-root folder, like “/home/{username}”.
    (Response: For this specific provider I don’t have a home folder, only what they provide to me)

  • Open Diagnostic information popup from About toolbar and send the content of both tabs of that popup to our support email (Response: Sent)

  • When you manually uploaded this file to SFTP server - were you using the same user credentials, target folder and other connection settings as in EasyMorh connector? (Response: Yes, they are the same)

  • Does the connector, which you are using, is configured to use a proxy server. If yes - which type of proxy does it use? (Response: No, no proxy server is used)

  • Which type of internet connection you are using? It it a broadband connection or somthing slower, like mobile internet? (Response: Dedicated Fiber (150down/up), again I can transfer via filezilla with no issues)

Hi Adam,

Thank you for your replies.

It seems that file size is not a source of the problem here. We were able to upload a relatively big file through a slow internet connection. And it took several minutes to upload that file.

A couple more questions about this provider:

  • Is it publicly available? We would like to create an account to test File transfer with it.
  • Do you have SSH access to the server?

The source is Bronto (Email service provider). I can create an account and pass it over to you.

I do not have SSH access to their server.

That would be very helpful. Thank you in advance. Please send account details to our support email.

Hi Andrew -
Email has been sent to your support email.

Hi Adam,

It seems that Bronto’s SFTP server doesn’t allow .em-temp extension which we were using for temporary files.

We are planning to run a few more tests with Bronto and publish a fixed version today or in a few days.

SCP mode doesn’t create temporary files on the server, so you can try to use it as a workaround for now.

Adam, this error has been fixed. Please get the updated version from our download page: http://easymorph.com/download.html

Thanks - Working very well!


Sorry to bump a 2 years topic, but the problem is exactly the same (I think).

I am having the same problem now with version (desktop) or (server).

Easymorph server error:
Error description
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

Error from our provider that is receiving the file:
Your list file {…}60338936e36b536e4b28cc5d/~4f2f18c2-d411-4dae-a608-021674590952.em.temp for the survey has not been processed because of the following issue(s):
• The list is in a format (temp) we do not support and we were unable to process it.

Sometimes if I force the sending it will send and save on the remote folder, but it is working 1 in 5 tentatives. If I’ll do with SCP it works no problem.

I’m sending the file with sftp and the test in connection manager is allways succeeded.

Can you help?


The problem is not in EasyMorph. Your provider for some reason doesn’t allow creating files with extension .temp which is necessary for EasyMorph to upload a file. Ask the provider to allow the extension, or use SCP.

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Ok, no problem, thanks Dmitry!

You’re welcome!