Re-retrieve - Server version:


I think the re-retrieve button is broken or maybe I use it wrong...

That's not the same as this topic :

When I'm in a board, I open a dataset with a shortcut.
I can do the same with the "expand" button below a table in the board.

So I've got my dataset in full screen.
Then I run a task, witch write a line in my dataset.
I press "Re-retrieve".
I can see on my screen the chart and the table disappears, and reappears, like a refresh.
But the line is not in the dataset table.

If I manually open the dataset, I can see this line.
If I refresh the webpage, or the board, I can see it.

So maybe the button currently doesn't work, maybe I have something else to understand ?

Can you tell me ?

Thank you !


We are currently unable to reproduce the issue.

Could you please confirm which version of the EasyMorph Server you are using?

I understand the situation as follows:

  • You've created a non-computed dataset in Explorer (e.g., based on a .dset file).
  • You have a Server Task that appends data to this same .dset file.

Then you:

  • Open and retrieve that .dset file-based Explorer Asset in EasyMorph Desktop.
  • Run the Task on the Server that appends a row to the .dset file.
  • Press 're-retrieve' on the Desktop, expecting the dataset to reload, but you see no change.

Is that correct?

EasyMorph Server version :

That's exactly what I have done, and what I do.

Since we can't reproduce the issue on our end, could you please rule out the 'simple' causes first? For example, ensure the file being appended with the Task and the file referenced by the Explorer asset are indeed the same. For example, check that they aren't files with the same name stored in different folders, etc

If these 'simple' explanations don't apply, could you please follow the sequence outlined earlier - Open the asset, run the modifying Task, press 're-retrieve', and confirm whether you observe the stale data.

  • After completing the initial setup step above, close the retrieved dataset tab, go to Explorer, press 'Retrieve' on the .dset-based asset, and check for new data.

  • After completing the initial setup step, close EasyMorph Desktop, reopen it, then retrieve that .dset-based asset again to verify if you see any new data.

There are no simple explanations, all seems good.

I will show you in detail what I do, step by step.
First, I have my dataset file with data :

I can see it in my explorer :

I let the explorer opened, I close the dataset file opened with easymorph.
Now, I run a task from the server witch will trigger my project and add rows to the dataset with parameters :

If I open the dataset file, I get rows (there is a timestamp) :

I close the file and go in my opened explorer, and press "re-retrieve", the two new lines are missing :

But if I refresh the webpage, like with F5, the file is reloading :

(There is one more line due to the current task running).

So yes, my lines are added to the good .dset file, but the re-retrieve button doesn't reload my file.

Thank you for your time.

Oh, the detail I was missing is that it happens with re-retrieve on Server webpage, not on EasyMorph Desktop (the Desktop has similar functionality with the same button). Thank you, we are looking into it

Sorry if I forgot to tell you this detail.

I don't use it in EasyMorph Desktop, so I forgot it could be done in.
I tried it, it works well.
The point is for the re-retreve on the webpage.

Thank you