I am loading an xlsx file into my easymorph tool and it works great when I have the exact name matching and a exact worksheet. The problem is I don’t always know what the worksheet name is going to be or the filename. I thought I could use the rename file option but i would still need to know what the original filename would be. Is there a way to token it? or do a partial word match or use one of the other features to do this. Example would be Filename would be… TestFileName.xlsx is how I would set the easymorph file load, but customer would send it to me as TestFileName07-01-20.xlsx (usually the name of the file and then a date sent).
Hmm Thanks Andrew but I’m a little confused. I looked over the sample that Dmitry had but it looks more complicated than what I want and most of the example is close but doesn’t match to the current new GUI you guys have. Is there something more simple? I tried doing a load an excel sheet, from there I set it to parameter, and then it wanted still a link to the exact file name. I am going to try to look over the youtube to see if that will help bring some clarification but in the end, i’m hoping to just point to a directory for instance and there will be one file there with extension xlsx and i just need to load that one file. any suggestions?
If you can be sure that the folder contains only a single xlsx file, you can use the “Load multiple uniform files” feature of the “Import Excel spreadsheet” action with settings which will import all the xlsx files from the folder:
If you can be sure that worksheet which you want to import always has the same position in a workbook,
you can set the “Source” option of the “Import Excel spreadsheet” action to “Worksheet position” and choose the position of the required sheet.
In all the other cases the workflow will be more complex and will look similar to the mentioned example.
Another way would be to use the “List files” action first in order to obtain a list of files in the designated folder. Optionally, if there can be more than 1 files, use a filtering action to keep in the list only the name of the file to be loaded.
Finally, load the file using the respective import action in the "Load list of files: mode. See Tutorial: Loading files, advanced topics.
So if you can do it with a list of files by filtering, can you filter by latest date? So this is my challenge. I’m trying to create a seamless process for my customers. They provide me an excel doc (sometimes, daily sometimes weekly, etc). The file names are roughly the customername with a date-time. flowy-2020-06-16_1200 AM.7z. I am trying to see if they can change this to the original file. Even when I unzip the files out (can’t with your unzip tool) it needs me to resave the file to a specific xlsx or csv file. We want to keep a copy of the original file if I can to a backup location. And then have the new file, be loaded into my easymorph program I created. If there was a way to always get the latest, then I probably won’t need to make a copy and move it somewhere, but have the tool only grab the latest date. Since the filename changes all the time, i need a way to say grab the latest date file, but I won’t know the name of the file but the worksheets are usually the same. With that said I also have some customers that send me two files (one with customer names and one with details of the customer in a second file) – which normally are the same are static names but the zip file has the date on it with the school information. best way to grab this to make it seamless?
Once you get a list of files you can filter it as you wish. Inspect the “List files” action - it allows obtaining not just file name, but also file size, creation/modification dates, etc.
If file names contain timestamps or dates, you can also extract them and create dates using date functions in EasyMorph.
To filter the latest date you can use, for instance, the “Keep min/max” action.
This worked BEAUTIFULLY!!! I was able to create my list, filter, and call the import excel file with list of files and it loaded! Thank you! I’m going to see if this can work for my multiple file loader as well!!!