I have an issue that once in a while some tasks gets frozen with status is still “Running”. When we stop and restart the job it runs fine. Question: Is there a way to find tasks that running over 30+ minutes on easyMorph server from easyMorph task? unfortunately our IT guys that manages the easyMorph server could not do anything about it.
Hi @bolud ! When this task gets ‘frozen’, is it actually continues to do something for 30+minutes (e.g. there is really some time-consuming action) or does it look more like logic error, some infinite loop?
2 posts were split to a new topic: EasyMorph Desktop hangs
A post was merged into an existing topic: EasyMorph Desktop hangs
You could limit task execution time in the Task Options. We also suggest you to enable a Task Diagnostic Log and find actions that hung your task execution.
Execution time for already finished tasks can be found in the Server Journal (see field "elapsed_milliseconds" in the C:\ProgramData\EasyMorph Server\journal.db
sqlite database )
There is no infinite loop. It gets data from database transform and post it through Webrequest. nothing special. The issue is that sometimes turns out that task is in “running” state and our users start to complain no data … That is how we usually find out the task is frozen or doing nothing. Sometimes it even happens for tasks that usually takes a couple seconds to run. We just have no idea. Most of our tasks take 20 minutes tops to run.
Our easyMorph server is 4.7.2 and we have no access to configure. I even asked to set an timer from server side for our IT guys and unfortunately they refusing to do anything about it. Hence I am asking you to have some kind of workaround to fix or at least get notified about these kind of issues.
Unfortunately I can’t see this option in our easyMorph space. Thanks.
Unfortunately I can’t see this option in our easyMorph space. Thanks.
This is a per task configuration, not per space.
Our easyMorph server is 4.7.2 and we have no access to configure.
Any plans to update?
It gets data from database transform and post it through Webrequest. nothing special.
Check your database configuration. It's possible that your db performs something like read lock.
I should have mentioned before it also happens with the task that doesn’t even work with DB or web. It is just random. It would be great to help me figure out if there is a way to monitor for running jobs in my environment on easyMorph server. I would really appreciate if you could say if it is possible to check for running jobs and started time instead asking me completely unrelated to my question. I am asking if there was a way to check if a task is running longer than 30 minutes nothing else. (fyi: I am not mad or frustrated at you, I understand you are trying to help me identify the root cause but again I repeat it is completely random). And also I can’t say or decide if easyMorph server should be upgraded I have no control over it.
I am asking if there was a way to check if a task is running longer than 30 minutes nothing else.
As you are using some old version of EasyMorph Server you (your admin) could try to analyze server log files/task log files. Parse text and timestamps.