I have since downloaded latest available version of server 4.7.2. Now I am getting a new error…although I think I know what the problem is and it’s bad news for me. I downloaded version 5 of Desktop yesterday before I realized Server wasn’t available. We utilize a shared repository on a shared drive that both Server and Desktop uses. Now I must have opened the repo in Desktop 5.0 yesterday. Now will Server not be available for me until later this week? That’s rough.
10/19/2021 11:34:50 PM 000002 INFO Task started manually.
10/19/2021 11:34:50 PM 000003 ERROR Task failed: 1 error(s).
10/19/2021 11:34:50 PM 000004 ERROR JobTriggering: System.Exception: This repository was created in a later version of EasyMorph
10/19/2021 11:34:50 PM 000005 ERROR at Morph.Server.BusinessLogic.Services.JobTriggeringService.<>c.b__17_1(Exception e)
10/19/2021 11:34:50 PM 000006 ERROR at Morph.Server.BusinessLogic.Services.JobTriggeringService.d__17.MoveNext()