EasyMorph Command-Line Worker vs. EasyMorph Desktop


I have this situation: a script it is working well when it is running with EasyMorph Desktop but when I run same script with EasyMorph Command-Line Worker v5.3.0.0 there is a difference in how it is running and the difference come from ‘Enumerate rows’ action. In version 5.3 for this action had only one option ‘Enumerate in grups’ but in 5.3.4 there are 2 options: ‘Enumarete in grups’ and ‘Repet after’. So when I use this action in EasyMorph Desktop the output of this action it is a column with 1 to 6 values (in attach) but when it is running on EasyMorph Command-Line Worker the output has values from 1 to max of records.

I guess that an update of EasyMorph Command-Line Worker to last version of EasyMorph Desktop will resolve the situation.

I am waiting your feedback,

Best regards,

Hi Radu,

The option “Repeat after” was introduced in v5.3.1 and isn’t available in v5.3.0.

See also Bug in "Enumerate rows" in the "Repeat after" mode (ver.5.3.1-5.3.3)

The Command-Line Worker will be updated to v5.3.4 shortly.

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All good. After update it is working fine.

Many thank for all.