Can I make a DB2 connector?
ODBC drivers required: DB2
Port: 6000
(uid and password known, as is the hostname).
Can I make a DB2 connector?
ODBC drivers required: DB2
Port: 6000
(uid and password known, as is the hostname).
You can create an ODBC connector in EasyMorph and select the SQL dialect for DB2 in it. Note that only DB2 LUW is supported. DB2 for AS/400 is not supported.
I am using
When I go to create a new connection in the connection manager
I get the following Configuration screen: (the dialect is already chosen for me, I don’t seem to be able to choose DB2).
(the only options in the DSN dropdown that appear are (Excl, MS Access, and Visio).
Pick a data source and then it will offer to select an SQL dialect. EasyMorph tries to automatically detect the most appropriate SQL dialect, but an ODBC data source should be selected first.
As I stated, the ONLY choices I have for the datasource are:
None match a DB2 Database.
I have done all the setup from my windows10 client to the Windows 10 machine hosting the DB2 database:
1. Download drivers from here.
Do you see the configured DB2 connector in the Windows system ODBC dialog (similar to below) either in System DSNs or in User DSNs?
If it’s not there, it means that the driver/connector not installed/configured properly on the system level.
Thanks for the tip. That got me farther. But as cyou can see there is still something wrong. But this might be an issue external to EasyMorph.
EasyMorph is a 64-bit application. It can only work with 64-bit drivers. Your driver is 32-bit. Install a 64-bit DB2 driver, then it should work.