I have a CSV of addresses
I want to use a webservice to get coordinates
My web service uses this format with json output
here’s a sample output
{“input”:{“address_components”:{“number”:“20”,“predirectional”:“W”,“street”:“34th”,“suffix”:“St”,“formatted_street”:“W 34th St”,“city”:“New York”,“state”:“NY”,“zip”:“10001”,“country”:“US”},“formatted_address”:“20 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001”},“results”:[{“address_components”:{“number”:“20”,“predirectional”:“W”,“street”:“34th”,“suffix”:“St”,“formatted_street”:“W 34th St”,“city”:“New York”,“county”:“New York County”,“state”:“NY”,“zip”:“10001”,“country”:“US”},“formatted_address”:“20 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001”,“location”:{“lat”:40.748557,“lng”:-73.985089},“accuracy”:1,“accuracy_type”:“range_interpolation”,“source”:“TIGER/Line\u00ae dataset from the US Census Bureau”}
Any help on the steps required to get this working to add coordinates to all records in a csv file?
I use https://www.geocod.io/
They offer free API key and 2500 free lookups a day
Thanks in advance