Wondering If there was a change in setting PARMS

Unlimited Care has been using Easy Morph for over 2 years. During that time, we have used the Edit Parms Function to set up links to the latest weekly file(s) we want to process. In the prior versions for a FileName Parm, we were able to just change (in simple mode) the folder or filename directly in the parm area. Now, we can change data in the directory part BUT we must use the browse function to lookup the correct file, even if the name did not change (Just the folder changed). Did this change in V7? We know there is a problem because if we do not use browse, we get an error symbol on the import action.

Can you please elaborate: what error symbol do you get? Can you provide a screenshot of the error text?

If just worked. I downloaded V5.7.3. But I do not think that was the issue. It may have been our error. Sorry to set alarms. Have a good day. I still think Easy Morph is the greatest. By the way, any progress of a PDF import?

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Not really :flushed: For now, our recommendation is to use Able2Extract - configure it to convert PDF to CSV and then run it using the "Run program" action in EasyMorph before importing that CSV in EasyMorph.

The last time I checked it, it didn't cost much.