Wildcard not working in Fetch email


We get a daily report with the subject 'Schedule Report - Daily Completed on Wed 03-Mar-2021 19:02:19 CST

I need to make sure that we are using the correct report, so I used a parameter in the Fetch email action:

First I created a date parameter called ‘check file date’

Then concatenated full file name with the check file date and I am trying to use a wildcard character to replace the ‘day of the week’ part in the subject and everything after today’s date.


But when I check the parameter it is still showing the asterisk sign instead.

So my question is:
Are we not allowed to use wildcard characters in the Fetch email action and if not then how do I get around this issue?

Please help.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @RRB,

The asterisk character is not expected to work as a wildcard character in the Fetch email action.

As a workaround, you can calculate the search parameter with the following expression or a similar one:

'Schedule Report - Daily Completed on ' & format(now(), "ddd dd-MMM-yyyy")

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Thank you for your kind help @andrew.rybka. However, it's still not working.

There is a timestamp at the end of the filename and a randomly generated alphanumeric code, could it be because of that? I mean am I supposed to include the complete filename?

@RRB, the “Subject contains” filter should be able to search by a part of a subject. But some email servers may implement that feature differently. What email server or service are you trying to fetch messages from?

You can try to filter messages with different parts of the required search string. For example, try to search the following parts separately:
Schedule Report
Schedule Report - Daily Completed on
Wed 03-Mar-2021

Will all of them work?

Hi @andrew.rybka, thank you so much for helping.

The data I am trying to download is sent to us in the Outlook emails.

I’ll try again. Thank you once again for your suggestions :slight_smile: