Way to toggle absolute/relative path for multiple file imports?


My coworkers and I have our own EZM licenses and share the EZM's that we create. We save them on SharePoint, which is synced to our own One Drives so that we work through File Explorer.

The shared EZM's generally work the same for everyone, as long as the file imports/exports have the correct absolute/relative path toggled so that it doesn't show the load file as "c:\users\username...". For EZM's that import multiple files however, I don't see that toggle and when someone else saves the EZM, I get an error on the multiple file import because it's trying to pull a file path from my co-workers computer.

Is there a way to get the multiple file imports to work on all of our computers, the same way the single file import EZM's do?

Hi @tjezm

It seems that it does support relative paths but because it starts at the root of the OS drive this won't help much with your problem.

I'll have a chat with the development team to see if there is a way in EM. One possible workaround in the interim would be to create a symbolic link in Windows using the "mklink" command from the command prompt. Something like:

mklink /D "C:\em_onedrive" "C:\users\my_username\OneDrive"

You can then use the "C:\em_onedrive\where\my\files\are" as the path in EM and as long as you all create the same link (the "C:\em_onedrive" part") on your machines it should solve your problem.



Instead of loading multiple pre-selected files, you can use the "Load list of files" mode in the import action.

In this mode, the action loads files whose paths are specified in a column constructed in a previous action. See the advanced topics in this tutorial.

You can use this action as follows:

  1. Use the "List files" action to generate a list of files in a folder (the folder path can be relative). Use the dot to list files in the current folder. Check "File name only".

  2. Use the "Filter" action to select in column "File name only" only the names of files you need to load.

  3. Use the "Load list of files" mode in the import action with the "File name with full path" column.

Notice that in this example, you need to filter by the column with file names only (without absolute paths), but load using the column with full paths. This will work correctly for every EasyMorph user in your team because the column with full absolute file paths is generated for a folder specified by a relative path by the "List files" action.