I'm trying to set up the ability to enter a parameter when I launch a Task in EasyMorph Launcher, but I can't work out how to do it - is there a tutorial somewhere on this as I can't find anything.
I have a parameter "month" in the format "2024-03-01" which I'd like to enter when I run a task to save me having to update a file that I specify that parameter in (it's basically the month I want to process the data for).
It's actually pretty straightforward:
- Make sure your workflow has parameters
- In Launcher task settings, go to tab "Parameters" and configure them as in the image below:
So if I try to set this in a task that already exists I don't get this option, but if I set up a new task, I can now select see this option - is that by design?
This option should exist for new and existing tasks. Can you post a screenshot of a task without this option?
I think I've worked out what I'm doing wrong!
I have a rather complicated cascading set of processes, managed by a Master EasyMorph Project, and I need to propagate the parameters through as well, which is why I'm not seeing it in the Launcher, so I need to work that out and set it up.
The good news is the current solution works but I'm going to (try!) set it up so I can specify which reports for which clients I want to run from the Launcher.
I'll keep you posted!