"Top n rows" feature to (de)activate in one click on all datasources [DONE]

This feature is cool because when your computer has not enough RAM you can choose to work on data samples. Then you could later choose to run your job on an easymorph server for example.

Well it could be a “way of working” to do that. I’ve already seen other tools doing that.
So why not this feature : enable by one quick option to force every datasource to use the “top n” feature with a number to parameter. Easymorph would be in a “sample” mode. And you could turn it off. Isn’t it just an update on the xml content ? I don’t see it like a hard thing to code but i may be wrong.

Available since v4.0

How is it implemented in v4 ? You mean the post-filter tab ? I see an option to set the number of first rows but don’t see the parameter that would set that automatically on each new query

Here it is:


I see but you have to explicitly put the parameter in each query. I thought about something more systematic, kind of “sample mode” so that you don’t have to specify it several time : you say once that you are in sample mode and each query are automatically (not manually) adapted to do so. Don’t know if I’m clear about that. But the parameter is a good thing.

Here you can specify a parameter but you have once to go into each query and say they are constrained by this parameter. I thought this action could be done by one button :slight_smile:

Using a parameter here instead of a button makes it possible to switch partial/full load in several import actions at once. Either you just specify this parameter e.g. 1000 to load only 1000 rows from each query where this parameter is used for Top N rows, or 0 to load all rows.

Alternatively, you can create a text parameter “Partial load” and a calculated parameter “Rows to load” calculated as follows:

{Rows to load} = if( {Partial load} = 'Y', 1000, 0)

In this case, if {Partial load} is Y then only 1000 rows are loaded, otherwise all rows are loaded.

BTW, import from files also can be limited to N rows where N is set by a parameter. So having a single parameter can set full/partial load for all import actions in a project, not just SQL queries.

PS. We have plans to introduce other types of parameters, that will look like checkboxes or radio-buttons. Once it’s implemented, switching partial/full load would be as simple as ticking a checkbox - somewhat like the button that you mention.

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