Timeout-error on EasyMorph Server

Hello community,
since few weeks we get a lot of timeout-errors from scheduled projects when query information from a database on our EasyMorph Server.
The error occurs on some projects even after few seconds or minutes, which is not over the timeout-settings.
I tried to raise the timeout settings of the connector on the server, but the error still appears.
We tried to pause some big projects, but this did not help too.
The error occurs on different projects but not always on the same projects and are spread all over the day.

We have a Oracle DB and use the Oracle connector.
Our EasyMorph Server is running on version

Our database teams says that the EasyMorph Server is causing no errors on the oracle database itself.

When we try to reproduce the error on the desktop version, this is the log of the error:

08.09.2023 12:55:00.120 000036 INFO call RunSessionManager to run RunSession in Async mode
08.09.2023 12:55:00.120 000037 INFO BEGIN action "Import from database" in table "DB_NAME.TABLE_NAME", step 1
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000038 ERROR FAILED action "Import from database" in table "DB_NAME.TABLE_NAME", step 1
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000039 INFO Enter RunSessionEvent::Stopped handler
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000040 ERROR runsession state Failure with errors
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000041 ERROR Run completed with 1 errors:
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000042 ERROR Error: Timeout bei Verbindungsanforderung
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000043 ERROR Source: action "Import from database", table "DB_NAME.TABLE_NAME"
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000044 ERROR
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000045 ERROR Exception:
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000046 ERROR OracleException
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000047 ERROR Timeout bei Verbindungsanforderung
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000048 ERROR Call stack:
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000049 ERROR bei OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.PoolManager3.Get(ConnectionString csWithDiffOrNewPwd, Boolean bGetForApp, OracleConnection connRefForCriteria, String affinityInstanceName, Boolean bForceMatch)
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000050 ERROR bei OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.OraclePoolManager.Get(ConnectionString csWithNewPassword, Boolean bGetForApp, OracleConnection connRefForCriteria, String affinityInstanceName, Boolean bForceMatch)
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000051 ERROR bei OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.OracleConnectionDispenser3.Get(ConnectionString cs, PM conPM, ConnectionString pmCS, SecureString securedPassword, SecureString securedProxyPassword, OracleConnection connRefForCriteria)
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000052 ERROR bei Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection.Open()
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000053 ERROR bei Morph.DataDrivers.Database.DataReaders.DataReaderBase.(String , CancellationToken , DbParameter )
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000054 ERROR bei Morph.DataDrivers.Database.DataReaders.DataReaderBase.ExecuteReader[T](String commandText, CancellationToken token, Func2 readFunc, DbParameter parameters)
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000055 ERROR bei  .(DataReaderBase , String , Int32 , Int32 , Nullable`1 , CancellationToken )
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000056 ERROR bei Morph.DataDrivers.Database.DataReaders.OracleDataReader._GetColumns(DbTable table, CancellationToken token)
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000057 ERROR bei Morph.DataDrivers.Database.DataReaders.DataReaderBase.GetColumns(DbTable table, CancellationToken token)
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000058 ERROR bei Morph.DataDrivers.Database.Helpers.DatabaseUtil.PreprocessQueryModel(DataReaderBase dataReader, Query query, ParameterCollection parameters, MetaDataset metadataset, CancellationToken token)
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000059 ERROR bei Morph.DataDrivers.Database.DatabaseImportDriver..MoveNext()
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000060 ERROR --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde ---
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000061 ERROR bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000062 ERROR bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000063 ERROR bei Morph.DataDrivers.Database.DatabaseImportDriver..MoveNext()
08.09.2023 12:55:15.138 000064 INFO cleanUp called

Has anyone had the same problem and can help here?

Kind regards

Hello @User1,

How long does it take for this error to appear in EasyMorph Desktop?

this logfile is from the server.
Im sorry, I misunderstood my colleague.
The error occurs now less often but still a few times a day.

Hello @User1,

Which Oracle DB version you are connecting to?

Hello @andrew.rybka,
our Oracle DB is at version 12.2.

Hello @User1,

Oracle 12.2 is not fully supported by the Oracle Data Provider for .NET version, used internally by the native Oracle connector in EasyMorph.

It requires Oracle Database 19c or later.

You can try to use an ODBC connector instead of the native one.

We improved our DB-Queries and tried to spread the execution of our EasyMorph-Projects all over the day. One day our server was restarted and somehow the error did occur rare after that.
At this point we are fine with the error only occurring once or twice a month with large queries.
I hope it will not come back that often.

Thank you for your help.

@User1, thanks for the update.