However, when I try to parse the XML, I see that only the soap:Envelope gets parsed. the soap:Body is not parsed, and stays empty. But the Body is exactly what I need…
The Environment_GetResponse element in your XML has a default namespace declaration. EasyMorph can’t process non-root elements with a default namespace declaration and ignores such elements and all their child elements. A corresponding warning is issued when some elements were ignored.
As a workaround, you can try to remove the default namespace declaration from the Environment_GetResponse element with the “Modify column” action and the following expression:
Sustainability of this workaround depends on the uniformity of the SOAP responses that you want to parse. But the workaround can be modified to handle a wider range of responses.
Fell free to post other types of SOAP responses to this topic and I will try to figure something out.
Hello @ArendP and @andrew.rybka thanks for this very useful thread. I also have to do a SOAP request.
I have to send the username/password every time I send an XML request in order to get a response from the API. Does the username/password necessarily have to be in the actual XML payload, or can we incorporate it as a “Username/Password” in the Authentication Settings of in the “Configure Connector” window (Connector Manager)?
You can create an EasyMorph workflow that generates a SOAP request and schedule it to run every 5 minutes using either EasyMorph Launcher or EasyMorph Server. Read here for more details: EasyMorph | Scheduling workflows