Snapshots of files

We have been utilizing the EM Server and ETL processes to manage the tables within our PIM. Is it possible to configure a process to download the datasets daily, automatically creating a new file that includes the current date in its filename? In certain cases, we need to retain snapshots of some of these tables for reference or historical purposes.

Hi JWelch,

I am just a community member but I think you could achieve what you are looking for with the below. I won't speak to the downloading your datasets part. This should be no problem, I often pull datasets from the datawarehouse or regular sql server tables/API endpoints etc. This kind of just depends where you are getting your data from and whether you have a useable connector. Assuming you are able to get your data into Easymorph, I don't really see an issue with what you are trying to accomplish. And since your jobs are on the server, those can be scheduled for a daily run to retain the history snapshots you are looking for (could also be mostly automated with the Easymorph launcher on your regular machine.)

I would recommend the below.

Choose your data export action cs/excel whatever you are using. The spot where you be choosing the path to save your file is the default on the action. But if you hit that black downward point arrow you can select a parameter instead.

This is what it would look like with a parameter selected for this option. You need to build your parameter(s) first. So go to the middle part of the ribbon.

I would create two new parameters. One for your folder path. And the second being a calculated parameter. This will let you use an Easymorph built in function to get a proper date stamp appended to your file name.

Once you have created a folder path parameter pointing to the location you are looking to ultimately save your file, you can create a calculated parameter that looks something like the below. It is calculated and you can pull your folder path parameter in like this. The rest is just string concatenation and formatting on the now() built in function. You could also use today(). Here I am using a simple date, but you can go down to lower levels of time granularity like hours/mins/seconds/milliseconds if necessary.

This should let you get the date in the file name like you were indicating. Play around with it a bit and report back. I am sure someone will be able to give you a hand!

Here is a link for the Easmorph built in functions.

Here is a link for the date/time format string components if you need lower levels of granularity than just the day.