SMTP behaviour after upgrading to 4.6 version

Hi team,

We think there was a change on smtp after upgrading to 4.6 version, the email connector “email server” does not seem to behave the same.

Before you could use login/password but I think it was not used to authenticate to smtp, so it was good. Maybe just for IMAP. Now it seems easymorph is trying to authenticate to smtp server. But most stmp servers do not need authentication, they dont manage it and you get this error : “The SMTP server does not support authentication”

The logic would be to remove the credential part but in easymorph, if you remove email login, you get an error message : it’s mandatory.

How to do smtp without authentication in 4.6 ?

Hi Romain,

We switched to another mail sending library in 4.6 and this issue is an oversight on our end. We will publish a fixed version shorty.

Romain, the issue was fixed. You can get the updated Desktop and Server versions from our download page:

Can you please test the fix and tell us if everything works correctly on you side?

I’m installing the fix, I will let you know by the end of the week

It’s working again, thx !

Thank you for confirming the fix, Romain.


I’m using the Easymorph server version and I can’t use an SMTP server without Authentication
If I leave the Account field blank, I get the error : Required field

Which version fixe the issue ?


Hello Matthieu,

If your SMTP server doesn’t support authentication, you can enter any email address into the Account field, and that address will only be used as the From address of sent messages.

Please let me know if this workaround works for you.


If I enter an email address into the Account field.
I get this error when I test : 535: Authentication failed
The SMTP I use is used for other server and printer without authentication.

Is it possible to leave the Account blank and use the Other Sender’s email for the From in next version ?

Matthieu, we are going to allow a blank Account field when the Sender’s email set to Other and filled in the next version.

Thank you

I’ll wait for the next version.

Hello Matthieu,

Version 4.7 that allows leaving the Account field blank was released. You can get it from our download page.

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Hello Andrew

I just install the version 4.7 and it works great.

Thank you