Sharepoint Command for browsing Site/SubSite

Sharepoint command doesn't offer a way to list SP Folders in Site/Subsite as a table ouput.
You need to get them with a hand-crafted table or a Power Shell Script to be passed as paramater for other Sharepoint Command (get list, get files etc )
It would be cool do have a Sharepoint command to get the Folders/Sub Folders as table output.

The "SharePoint command" action has the "List folder command" starting from version 5.4.2.

In fact, I would like to have a table output for the sharepoint LIBRARY path to be more precise.

You have to choose one LIBRARY in the actions selection part. It would be easier to list the LIBRARY in a sharepoint command and then using SP FOLDER COMMAND with LIBRARY as a parameter.

Actually I must launch a Powershell Command, get the LIBRARIES and Then use SP COMMAND with file/folder flavour.

As you are already proposing the library list in the Burger associated with the "Other", it should'nt be hard to add it ...

Got it. We will add a command to obtain a list of libraries in version 5.7.