Segregate Data into Different Fields

Hi. I am trying to replicate the Data Text to Column functionality from Excel and can not figure out how to accomplish. For example, I am trying to extract the data to the left of the comma to a column titled "Product Type". I am trying to add the the data to the left of ":" to a column and the data to the right of ":" to another column. Below is an example and the expected output. Thanks.

Abrasive Disc, Abrasive Type: Non-Woven; Diameter: 12 Inch; Arbor Hole: 1 1/4 Inch; Grit Type: Medium; Material: Aluminum Oxide; Maximum Speed: 1900 rpm; Color: Tan; Pack: 25 Each/Case

This one is a bit tricky because columns in EasyMorph must have unique names. E.g. it's not allowed to have two columns with the same name (e.g. "Attribute name").

In the example below, the sample is transformed into the desired format, but column names are "Attribute name1", "Attribute value1", "Attribute name2", "Attribute value2", etc.

If that format is not strictly required, it would be easier to work with a straight table instead of a matrix table. I've added one more result (Variant 1) that is a straight table. The desired matrix table is also available in the Variant 2 table.

cell-splitting.morph (8.2 KB)

The workflow is a bit non-trivial. If you have questions about how it works, let me know.

Thank you for sharing the sample in EasyMorph. The results in Table 1 is what I need.

You're welcome!