Salesforce - repeat refreshes


I'm new-ish to SalesForce but not to EasyMorph and I need suggestions on how to refresh SalesForce objects, with limited manual navigation between EasyMorph groups

Here is my scenario:

We have individuals who buy tickets for different events.

  1. These individuals may or may not be on SalesForce, so I need to import all SalesForce persons accounts to Easymorph, in order to to cross-match.
  2. The event may or may not have been created, so I need to import all SalesForce campaigns accounts to Easymorph, in order to to cross-match.
  3. If the individuals are not on Salesforce, then I will export them onto SalesForce
  4. If the campaign does not exists on SF, then I need export the event details to Campaigns

After these steps, I need to perform other steps that require either an Account.Id or a Contact.Id:

  • Export campaign membership data (Campaign members), for which I need the Contact.Id
  • Export any address change data
  • Export any consent data (Supporter Consent object)
  • And, for donations workflows, I need to export tax declaration data (Tax Declaration object)

The number of records vary, per day, week, month and per data file/data set, but can be anywhere from 24 to 1,000.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks