Rule with multiple conditions

I am trying to create a column called "Results" with the following conditions:

  • If the value in the Impact column is greater than 0, I want to populate the column with the value "Increase"
  • If the value in the Impact column is less than 0, I want to populate the column with the value "Decrease"
  • If the value in the Impact column is equal to 0, I want to populate the column with the value "No Change"

How do I accomplish this task?

You can use nested IF ... THEN statements, or even better, use the "Rule" action. The action is intended exactly for such cases.

Too slow for Dmitry. But here's the example with the rule action.... :slight_smile:
Rule with multiple conditions.morph (3.1 KB)

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I used your example because you created the rule in a Project I was able to open. Thanks!!!
