Request - Commandline 5.7 don't place empty logs

Since the new version, the commandline execturer always places a log file.
The previous versions only places a log file when there was a warning or an error.
The logfile now is an empty file.

Is it possible to either remove this or the configure this?

We're looking into it.

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Do you mean the log specified by /projectlogpath: argument?

Hi @olysak, no that is not what i mean.
Normaly there is only a log when you have warnings or errors. Now the command line worker will always make a logfile. It will be an empty one, but still a logfile.

If possible it would be nice like it was, only a logfile when something is wrong.

We've recently moved to a new logging solution and this behaviour in particular has changed slightly (the log file stream is now reserved beforehand), and unfortunately it's not easy to change.

We'll look into some workarounds.


We have resolved the issue. Please download the new 5.7.3 CLW installer from

Thanks, will install this version.

Hi @auroraace ,
If I understand correctly then the issue has been fixed. See the message from Olysak.
I haven't tested it yet.

Kind regards,
Tjiko Schutte

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