Redshift connection

I can’t find a native connector to Redshift. Could you describe in detail how to connect to redshift?
Will a native connector become available in the near future?

Hi Nikolaas,

Amazon documentation states that Redshfit cluster should be connected to either through JDBC or ODCB driver:

So in case of EasyMorph, you should install ODBC driver, configure ODBC DSN to your Redshift cluster and create EasyMorph ODBC connector with Redshift SQL dialect selected.

As a workaround, you can try to use the native PostgreSQL connector to connect to your Redshift cluster. But some EasyMorph database-related actions may not work as expected or not work at all which such connection.

Does ODBC connector will work for you? If no - can you please tell us why do you specifically need a native connector?

Thanks. Is a native connection not easier than ODBC ?

The database vendor (Amazon) provides only ODBC/JDBC drivers for Redshift. No Redshift drivers provided for .NET apps.

Amazon Redshift does not provide or install any SQL client tools or libraries, so you must install them on your client computer or Amazon EC2 instance to use them to work with data in your clusters. You can use most SQL client tools that support JDBC or ODBC drivers.