I’ve quickly made a command line utility to extract xml metadata from QVD files: QVD_Metadata.zip (4.0 KB)
Put it next to morph.exe (it needs FSharp.Core.dll).
QVD_Metadata.exe file.qvd
It creates file.xml with the metadata header.
The source code (F#):
open System.IO
let main argv =
if argv.Length <> 1 then
failwith "Invalid arguments. Usage: QVD_Metadata.exe file.qvd"
let pathQVD = argv.[0]
let pathXML = pathQVD.Replace(".qvd", ".xml")
use fileXML = new BinaryWriter(File.Create pathXML)
seq {
use fileQVD = new BinaryReader(File.Open(pathQVD, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
// A QVD file must have a zero byte therefore the end of file will never be reached.
while 1=1 do
yield fileQVD.ReadByte()
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun b -> b <> (byte 0))
|> Seq.iter fileXML.Write
| ex ->
printfn "Error:%s" ex.Message