Quick way to Enable/Disable actions

Is there a convenient way to quickly enable/disable actions in easy morph?

For example, hovering over action and Ctrl + E or Ctrl + D or some kind of parameter/switch that to flip on or off that enables/disables a group of certain actions?

I frequently do this by manually clicking for several export/synchronization steps when I am in the process of testing my workflows.

Hi Michael and welcome to the Community!

You can disable/enable multiple actions at once. Click the first action in a table, then Shift+click the last action in the sequence of actions that you want to select, and then pick Disable from the contextual (right-click) menu.


I like this one too. Right-click on the table header.


Please describe how you test and debug your workflows in more detail.

Would you be interested in the following features:

  1. Don't run a specific action if executed on the server or another PC. Run conditionally on your PC.
  2. Don't run the action group (like the named group) if executed on the server or another PC. Run conditionally on your PC.
  3. Run/skip something conditionally based on the environment variables.
  4. Change the action behavior during debugging/testing or by environment variables. Don't change the behavior if the project is executed on a server or other environment.

An environment variable is a user-definable value that can affect the way running processes will behave on a particular computer.

If so, describe how you would use such tools.

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Ctr D duplitcates a table!

@dgudkov - is there a directory of similar shortcuts and the one you mentioned above - Click, Shift etc?

Yes, here you go - all the shortcuts in EasyMorph:



I am interested in the number 3.
I do it with the Skip action but it skipes all action after him.


I am also interested in number 3.

I also was wondering if there was a way to quickly disable an entire group? I no longer use one of the groups in my project, but I might need to use it in the future. I want to keep it for reference so that's why I was wondering if I can just disable the entire group inside of clicking through all of my tables like shown above?
