Publishing to Catalog error

Hello guys

I'm getting this error when trying to publish a dataset into Catalog:

"Project has been published successfully, but an error has occurred while publishing the Catalog asset:
Catalog is disabled or permissions are insufficient."

2024-09-19 08_56_59-vm-pf-022-65 - EM error

The Catalog is enabled, and permissions are sufficient. Publishing to server works well, the error only occurs when publishing to Catalog. I'm using version

Let me know if you need any additional details to solve this.


Hi Linh,

I'm using version

I'm assuming that's the Desktop version. What's the Sever version?

Hi @lpvlinh

You mentioned 'publishing a dataset,' but the error message refers to project publishing. Could you provide details on what exactly you are doing?

As for the error, there are multiple possible causes for what you're seeing but my guess that it is most likely caused by Server not treating you the user you think you are.

For instance, it is possible that you have set up the target Space with an ACL configured to grant access to the Explorer only to 'legacy' password-protected or AD-authenticated users. But, it can be happening that Desktop is connecting as an Anonymous user to that Space, and this could be the issue - the Anonymous role does not have Explorer access by default.

To rule out this possibility, you can temporarily enable Explorer access for the Anonymous role in that Space's ACL. After making this change, restart the Desktop application to reconnect and check if the issue is resolved