Option to set SMTP header value in "Send mail" action


There are SMTP gateways where it is possible to set a custom SMTP header. This is very useful to use this information in some reports.
We use Socketlabs (socketlabs.com) and we can set in a custom header information about what type of email it is and the whole reporting system is based on this.

I am trying to do this with what EM has but I have not found anything.

Best regards,

That's an interesting suggestion. Do you specify the same header value for all emails, or it's different for different emails? Also do you check for the header in incoming emails as well?

We use some custom headers like X-xsMessageId or X-xsMailingId when we sent the emails through STMP gateway. With the values of these headers are builded reports. All the mails have X-xsMessageId but not all are with X-xsMailingId.

Right now we didn't check the headers values for incoming mail but it is interesting option. :slight_smile: