Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Hi Loading an excel spreadsheet I get this error:

“Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”

Spreadsheet downloaded from a government site

Any ideas?


Hi Rob,

Can you provide a link to that spreadsheet?


You can download it here. I assume it’s not really a excel file. We have come across this before.



https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/search/bowel cancer#page/9/gid/1/pat/19/par/E38000001/ati/7/are/B83620

It seems that this file is generated by a third-party tool. From inside it looks like an XLSX file with several differences from XLSX files, created by Excel.

A possible workaround is to open this file in Excel and save it as the same or other file - EasyMorph should be able to open resaved file. Have in mind that resaved will be ~2.5 times bigger than original one.

We’ll need to do some additional research on this file. We’ll get back to you as soon as we get some details.


This file is generated by SpreadsheetGear component for .Net Framework.
It’s missing some of the data, which we expected to be present in every XLSX file.

We improved “Import from Excel” transformation to support this kind of XLSX files.
You can get updated EasyMorph 3.5 here (have in mind that version 3.5 is still in beta):



Cheers for this. I’ve had a few crashes with the beta. I’ll send the error messages if useful?

Sure, please do! Just create a separate topic, if you don’t mind it. Thanks!


I upgraded EM last week, (to EM and I am getting this error when calling a table from another module.

Please can you help?

Can you please send your project to our technical support? We'll take a look.