No files to load

Hi, Community

I have a logic that loads multiple json files, when executed from EasyMorph launcher or from another module with the action 'Call another module' I get the error 'No files to load'.
When I execute manually, first the action 'List of files' to get all the paths, followed by the action 'Import Json from file' with the option to load files through the column 'File name with full path' I have no problem.
I look forward to any possible solution.
Import Multiple Json Files

Hi Agustin and welcome to the Community!

Can you please post a screenshot of the table with the "Import JSON" action?


More information to add, when I only add the table with the 2 actions mentioned ('List of files' and 'Import Json from file') I don't get any error when running from another module or directly.

When I add the 'Database Command' action before with a custom query (I do it in other logics and there is no problem), the aforementioned problem 'No files to load' appears.

I could just remove the 'Database command' action but I need it for the task to work properly.

I also attach the query used in the action.
VALUES ({ID},{Archivo},{Modulo},'Inicio',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3))

One more screenshot please - the settings of the "List of files" action.

It is set up like this because the files are in a folder that contains multiple folders inside, each of these folders contains 1 json file.

If there is a problem, then most probably it's because the parameter {RutaSisapp} is set to the wrong value when the module is called from another module.

PS. Try capturing (logging) the actual value of the parameter when the module is called by another module.

Hi Dmitry, sorry for the late answer,
I tried to capture the parameters but it seems to me that this is not the problem, I created 3 modules to try to get to the problem.

1st: Without the start query mentioned above and without the file path parameter (it works without problems)


2nd: With the start query and the file path, with the values ​​added directly (without parameters) (The following error appears when executing the module)


3rd: With the query and the file path, with the values ​​added as parameters (The same error as in the previous example also appears)


Apparently the error is associated with the combination of the initial query + the action Import multiple files (Json files in this case), however I cannot find the relationship since I use this query in multiple other logics in which there is no problem.
I look forward to any additional information you may need.

Thank you for the additional details. We've found the cause of the problem and fixed it. Please get the updated version from our website.

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