MySQL TinyInt field shows as True/False when Imported

I'm importing a mysql database table and one of the columns is a TINYINT datatype with values of 0,1,2,3. But when EasyMorph imports it (through the mysql connector) it shows as TRUE or FALSE. I would understand if it was doing this translation because there was only 0 or 1 values (even then I'd make an argument that it shouldn't make these translations automatically), but why is it ignoring the other values.

I'm doing no filtering, no conditions just a straight import. Any ideas what's causing this?


In MySQL, the BOOLEAN datatype is an alias for the TINYINT(1) datatype.

So, MySQL Connector/NET (which is used internally by EasyMorph's native MySQL connector) treats TINYINT(1) columns as boolean columns by default.

You can change that behavior by adding the TreatTinyAsBoolean custom property to your connector and setting it to false:

This will make all the TINYINT(1) columns to be imported as numbers. However, EasyMorph will still treat those database columns as boolean, so it might affect the behavior of some actions. For example, the visual condition builder will give you the same conditions as for a boolean column, so to add a numeric condition on such a column, you'll have to use a custom SQL condition:

Thanks Andrew!