Message in Server log: Mutable States

Dear support,

we get a log entry quite often for one task on our server, but we cannot find out which task causes the message:

21.08.2023 07:55:05004235 INFO Worker 5fbf6f65-4e26-4823-acb1-ea2366ebb1fd lists mutable states [0 ... 300] for ffbab6a2-caea-1488-b0cb-fac15dfd92f8@memory/

This message appears only since a few days.

Could you help us in identifying the corresponding task? How can we find the worker with this id? Or how can we find the task?

Kind regards,


Hi @Jochen_Marquardt

Most likely, the cause appears to be the execution of a List command by the Shared memory action. The workflow is being run by a Server worker.


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That’s it!

Thanks for your quick help. Best support as always. :+1:

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