Merge rows by compare them and flaging differences


I’m new to EasyMorph but already kind of like it :slight_smile:
Before buying the product i would like to see if my challange descriped below can be handled.

I need to merge rows to compare two tables of rows. This is useful for comparing data from two different times. It is often used in situations where the source system of a data warehouse does not contain a date of last update.

The two tables of rows, a reference table (the old data) and a compare table (the new data), are merged. Only the last version of a row is passed to the next steps each time. The row is marked as follows:

  • “identical” - The key was found in both tables and the values to compare are identical;
  • “changed” - The key was found in both tables but one or more values is different;
  • “new” - The key was not found in the reference table;
  • “deleted” - The key was not found in the compare table.

When the rows are flagged as “identical” or “deleted”, the output row will be created based upon the “Reference rows origin” table. For “new” or “changed” rows, the output row will be created based upon the “Compare rows origin” table.

Hi @Mobarak_Said and welcome to the Community,

comparing rows is described in this topic: For each record

To identify new and deleted rows you can use the “Lookup action” in both old and new tables. When a new key is not found in the old data it’s a new record. When an old key not found in the new data it’s a deleted record.

Alternatively, use actions “Keep matching” or “Keep mismatching”.