Masking data in the existing table

Hi Team,
@dgudkov @dgudkov
We are looking to mask the data(Columns) in the existing table without creating a new table and sensitive data(Columns) like Name, Mailid, phone number etc… and to export that data in to the database again.

Can someone help me with the query.

Maheshwar Reddy

Hi Maheshwar and welcome to the Community!

What kind of masking do you need to do? Can you provide an example?

Hi @dgudkov,

Thank you!!!

I am looking to mask the data(Columns) in the existing table without creating a new table and sensitive data(Columns) like Name, Mail_id, phone number etc…

Lets think we have a table(Emp_sal) with columns name, mobile no, ID, salary department.

Now I want to mask the complete data in the columns mobileno,Name,ID.

Using the SQL query without creating a new table, As this table already exists in the database and need to do masking for the existing table.

Data should be masked for everyone and I am Using IBM DB2 Database. And the data should be complete masked Like In Name(Column) Mahesh It should be completely masked as xxxxxx and mail Id

Maheshwar Reddy Maccha

It doesn’t sound like an EasyMorph-related question unless I’m missing something.

I guess you can create a database view in DB2 that would remove the sensitive columns. Then query the view from EasyMorph as if it was a table.

@dgudkov We have any inbuilt feature to mask data like column wise