Loop EasyMorph Launcher - CPU high

Hi all,

I have created a project where :slight_smile:

  1. Import from database (ODBC connexion to Firebird)
  2. Skip the rest of actions
  3. Export data to Excel (if there are any due to step 2)
  4. Send the Excel file by email

When I run everything manually, I don't have any issue, it takes around 1-2 minutes without any error.
However, with EasyMorph launcher, the job takes for ever and it creates a loop and if I don't monitor, it creates the CPU of the RDP to skyrocket. Moreover, it will slow down the database where no user is able to work anymore.

What do I do wrong ? Any solution ?


Hi Tomas,

Can you post a screenshot of your workflow? Also, what's the schedule frequency in Launcher?

Hi @dgudkov,

Here are all the steps.
The frequency is every hour at 15 minutes.


Hmm... nothing looks off. Could it be that the generated xls is opened in Excel somewhere else?Try adding as the last step, the "File command" action that deletes the file.

Also, make sure that the file isn't located on a shared or synchronized drive.

Hi @dgudkov,

Seems like it worked.
The file was located on shared drive, I changed to C drive.

Thank for your quick reply :slight_smile:


Hi @dgudkov ,

Nevermind, it still does not work...
This is where the Excel file is saved.
20/12/2024 15:43:28 Running module 'Main' in project C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\EasyMorph\Projet\PROD\ALERT_DELAY_PO\ALERT_DELAY_PO.morph

However from the RDP, Excel is not installed. Could it be a reason why it does not work ?


No, it can't. Excel is not required for exporting to a spreadsheet.

What did you mean by "creates a loop"? I don't see loops in your workflow.

Are you running the workflow manually in EasyMorph Desktop under RDP on the same machine where it runs by Launcher? Or not in Desktop? Or not on the same machine?

Hi @dgudkov,

This is why I meant by "a loop".

I use EasyMorph Launcher under RDP on the same machin where Desktop runs.

Happy New Year's Eve :slight_smile:

Hi @dgudkov,

Any idea on the above please ?
I still have this issue...
