Log in to EasyMorph Server 5.4 remotely - no tasks showing


I have logged in to EasyMorph Server 5.4 remotely (non-admin) but no tasks are showing. This is what I see, only the tasks tab (no files) and all empty:

When I log in as admin from the actual server where EasyMorph is installed, I can see all the tasks, files, etc.


Hello again, I have logged in as a non-admin directly in the actual server where EasyMorph Server is installed, and I get the same blank screen. The issue doesn’t seem to be fact of logging in remotely, it has more to do with logging in with a non-admin user.

What browser do you use? Also, if you open the browser console (F12) are there any errors?

Hi @dgudkov, I’m using Chrome - Version 110.0.5481.78 (Official Build) (64-bit)

I got these errors in the Browser Console:


As a temporary solution, try enabling listing spaces the Server settings:

Hello @dgudkov ok I will try that. What is the issue?

Hello @dgudkov, if I list the spaces it works, but I don’t want to have to list the spaces.

When will this issue be resolved?


It will be resolved by the end of this week.

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Please try the updated Server installer from our website.

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