Load data from Excel xlsb file to Easymorph

perhaps a basic question.... how does one load data from an Excel xlsb file to Easymorph? Browsing the options for loading data I did not find an obvious process for xlsb format, only for *regular" Excel workbooks. The file is located in a folder of my computer.

Thanks for suggestions.
KR, cj

Hi @claja,

The "Import Excel spreadsheet" action doesn't support XLSB and there is no way to import XLSB to EasyMorph without resaving the file as an XLSX or XLS first.

With other tools I have seen loading via ODBC working. Does this work here too?

We never tested that approach. I'm not sure which SQL dialect should be selected in an ODBC connector for an XLSB file. Also, there might be issues with data types. But it is worth trying.

@claja, a little update on the previous post. You can set "SQL dialect" to "Other SQL" and then use the "Custom SQL" mode of the "Import from database" action to fetch data through ODBC. However, there still might be some issues with data types.