Iterate does not release memory


We work on a server with 45 Go of free memory.
I'm using an iterate to use QVD files stored in a folder, and bulk insert their data in a database.
I don't know how much lines they load, but it's huge.

As I can see, an iterate can use a lot of memory.
But after one iterate, the memory is not released.
So it will use some Go for each iterate, and I got this error :

Is there any way to release the memory between each iterate action ?

One other thing, the memoy is not released after the failed execution.
Before the execution, the memory available was 45 Go.
There is the memory available after the error :

And here easy morph memory usage without anything running :

Do we need to reboot easymorph server ?
I think yes, but do you have any other solution ?

Thank you for your time :slight_smile:

EasyMorph Server loads entire QVDs in memory before exporting them into a database. Therefore, if QVDs are very big, the Server can run out of memory - and this is what apparently happens.

Can you increase the RAM size on that machine? For instance, up to 64GB?

PS. We tested the Server for memory leaks again, and didn't find any.

Thank for your reply.
I'm ok with the idea, but that was not really my point.
But I found my problem :
My Iterate was configured in "Iterate and append results".
So it's normal, Easy Morph was storing a lot of data in memory : each result of each iteration.
Put it in "Iterate" solve my problem :

I was doing too much things, I forgot this config.

Thank you

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Thank you for posting the solution, @WindBlast!