Is there a log file somewhere to determine hanging?

Question: I am trying to delete a bunch of lines out of my database and it seems to be stuck there for a long time. I waited almost an hour and still its moving on so i canceled it. I even went back manually just running the one delete matching database rows. What the best way to look where it is and why its taking so long? I’m going to start break down the file to see if maybe its a bad character it doesn’t like. But basically its querying a sql database looking for 2 columns of data to match before it deletes. One column is an integer and the other is a date. I’ve converted the date already and I have it set up to warn me if errors occur. I’m not seeing any errors or warnings coming up to the screen.

Any suggestions?


Hi Flowy,

Bad characters should not lead to hanging.

How many rows you are passing to the “Delete matching database rows” action?

Are you using the “where keys match” or the “where keys DON’T match” mode?

Hi Andrew!

Yes I’m using “where the keys match” (one is for an varchar (primary key) and the other a date. I converted the date using the easymorph conversion from text to date and even converted the varchar to txt to make sure) There are about 445,000 lines in the excel document. I even striped it down and it seems to be hung. I cut about 1/2 of the lines out and let it run for over 1 1/2. still didn’t finish.


Hi Flowy,

In the “where the keys match” mode when the number of matched columns is between 2 and 10 (inclusive), rows are deleted in batches of 10 rows. And the query looks like this:

DELETE FROM ... WHERE (col1 = {value from row #1 and col #1} AND col2 = {value from row #1 and col #2}) OR (col1 = {value from row #2 and col #1} AND col2 = {value from row #2 and col #2}) OR ...

So the action executes 44500 queries (or 22250 queries when cut in half) which may take more than an hour in some conditions taking into account the OR operators.

What database you are using?

Does the date column has an index?

Hi Andrew!

I’m using sql server. I just tried to use indexing and this greatly improved that delete call.

That was just what I needed!
