How to switch to SQL journal for Easymorph?


Due to receiving constant errors informing that : "Failed to write journal events into the embedded journal database. Journal events will be accumulated in memory until the embedded journal database is available again. 'disk I/O error disk I/O error'. "
I decided to try and switch to an SQL version for the journal.
I checked the administrator options and i see that i can select sql but i have no options for server / db name:

Is there somewhere else that i should configure this or do i need to have the connection set up as odbc on the easymorph server and, in the journal configuration, only add the account and password ?
Also, if the above is correct, i can create a new database but would Easymorph create tables and such or do i need to create those manually beforehand ?

Apologies for the dumb question and thanks in advance for the patience !

Kind regards,

Hi Mihai,

The external database should be configured as an ODBC data connection (64-bit) in Windows. Then specify the DSN name of that ODBC connection in the journal configuration (as in your screenshot).

EasyMorph Server will automatically create all the database tables needed for the journal.

Note that using an external database for the journal is only available in the Enterprise edition of EasyMorph Server. It's not available in the Team and Basic editions.

I'm curious, what causes the errors. Did you keep your Server's system folder on a network drive instead of a local drive?