How to change a Parameter in a module

I am wondering If a parameter passed as input to a module can be changed/updated in the module?

Can you describe a scenario where you need it? Perhaps there is another mechanism for that.

I just want to update the parameter passed to a module with data form a column within the called module. I was able to define a different way to design the project.

The updating of a parameter would be helpful in the future.

Attached is my new project, which works.

Convert Pass 2 file Input Files.morph (35.1 KB)

I couldn't see in the project where a parameter change would be required. Everything looks right, except a few extra calculations and the unnecessary use of the "Iterate table" action where the regular "Iterate" would work.

Here is my version:
Convert Pass 2 file Input Files.morph (33.8 KB)

Parameters are immutable by design. If they become mutable (changeable) then it opens Pandora's box for many subtle errors because EasyMorph workflows are non-linear. The same parameter could be changed in many tables that could potentially be executed in parallel and it can be extremely hard to understand what value the parameter had at this or that point.

Typically, re-thinking from a different perspective is enough to solve the necessary task without the need to change parameter values mid-workflow.

If it's really really really really necessary to have mutable parameters, check out Shared Memory.

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Thank you