How to annotate anything in EasyMorph

In EasyMorph, it is possible to annotate basically any element of a workflow:

  • Actions
  • Tables
  • Groups
  • Modules
  • Parameters
  • Connectors
  • Queries
  • Expressions

Here is how you can do it:

Action annotations

Click the action settings cogwheel and choose “Annotate”.


Actions with annotations are marked with a small grey triangle in tables. When you hover an annotated action, the annotation can be seen in the tooltip.


It is possible to find an annotated action using the “Find actions” dialog, by providing a part of annotation text.

Table annotations

A table can be annotated in the sidebar after you selected (clicked) the table.


Table annotations are also displayed in the tooltip when you hover a table in the diagram.

Group annotations

Groups can also be annotated, but only in the Diagram view. Select a group and annotate it in the sidebar.

Module annotations

Modules can be annotated too. Go to the module overview in the sidebar and enter an annotation.


Parameter annotations

Parameters can be annotated in the advanced mode of the Parameter Editor. Parameter annotations are shown next to parameter inputs in the sidebar, in Desktop, Launcher, and Server.

Connector annotations and documentation links

A connector can have a note specified in the connector settings. Additionally, a hyperlink (e.g. to documentation) can be appended to the note.


When a connector is annotated, its note is shown next to the connector in action settings.

Annotations in queries

In visual queries, you can annotate filter conditions and logical groups.

To annotate a filter condition, right-click it and choose “Annotate”.

In a similar fashion, right-click a logical group and choose “Annotate”.

Comments in expressions

Use the double slash for commenting expressions. Comments can be inserted as separate lines, or in the same line with an expression.

//Converted amount.
[Amount] * {FX Rate}  // Using a parameter for the exchange rate.

Comments in auto-documentation

Annotations for actions, groups, modules, and parameters are automatically included in the auto-generated documentation.


Thanks, Dmitry.
Is there a limit to the # characters you can use in annotate?

Yes, there is a limit that is different for different annotations. Some annotations are single-line, some are multi-line. Multi-line ones are OK for 2-3 lines of text.

Thanks, Dmitry. Does all annotation show up in documentation?

Yes, it does. Annotations for actions, tables, modules, parameters, and expressions show up in the documentation.


It would be nice to have the possibility to do annotiations on project level. Is there a chance to have that option?

@Jochen_Marquardt Can you give an example where a module annotation wouldn’t be sufficient?

What we are thinking about is something like the author or a field for a description of the project (description, use case, contact person,…).
In our opinion, something like custom fields in the file properties would be great in this case like for example in Excel:

The other way would be annotations in the morph-file.

Besides, it would be nice to read these annotations with the “project metadata” action.

Hello, it would be handy to have hovering table annotations not only in the diagram view, but also in the regular view where you can see all the actions.

So if your mouse is hovering above the table title, then show the annotation:

This way we don't have to go the left hand corner of the application to see the annotation in the regular project view.

What do you think?



It would be nice to have a keyboard shortcut to Annotations.

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Can formatting be applied to annotations?

@nbegbaaji, what kind of formatting would you expect?

Standard formatting: Bold, Italics, Underlines