Help API Sap extraction

Hi guys , could you help me with this.
I want to extract data from api (odata from sap)

the path is this :$filter=Vkorg eq ‘OV10’ and PNtra eq ‘X’ and PTra eq ‘X’ and PDesp eq ‘X’ and PFact eq ‘X’ and PCan eq ‘X’ and (Semana ge ‘202210’ and Semana le ‘202215’) &$format=json

When i use postman and send a request , everythin works fine.

I want to know if is possible to use easymorph for this extraction.
Try to use import from API , but I think something is not configured correctly

Let me know if there is any advice for this configuration

The base URL shouldn’t contain the query. Split the full URL into two parts:

  1. Base URL
  2. Path

The base URL in your case can be

and the request path

YWTGW_GET_YWT_10005_SRV/YWTGW_GET_YWT10005?$filter=Vkorg eq ‘OV10’ and PNtra eq ‘X’ and PTra eq ‘X’ and PDesp eq ‘X’ and PFact eq ‘X’ and PCan eq ‘X’ and (Semana ge ‘202210’ and Semana le ‘202215’) &$format=json

Optionally, you can move query parameters $filter and $format into the “URL parameters” tab in the action settings.

Thanks a lot Dmitry , one more question in this case where I should put the user / password ? Its necesary to creat a conection as my first step or I can use web API directly

I try this setup :


But get some errors also

Make sure you use the authentication method specified by SAP documentation. Are you sure it’s HTTP Basic (selected in your screenshot)?

Hi Dmitry Im ataching the file that SAP team give me.

Im not to experienced using API / Web conection. (769 Bytes)

Hi Dimtry I solve the problem.


The problem was on the url. It has to end in this part :

Thanks for the feeback , it helps me to find the error.
Best regards

You’re welcome!