Google Drive connector fail

The project runs with no errors on EasyMorph Desktop. But when I run the project from the Launcher it fails to connect to Google Drive. Please help.

The error says the Google Drive connector is not found in the connector repository. Where is your connector repository?

Sorry, I don't know what the connector repository is.

Do you run Launcher on the same machine where your EasyMorph Desktop is installed and under the same Windows account as EasyMorph Desktop?

Yes, same. However, I first installed both on one machine and then moved it to my dedicated server to be able to run continuous tasks without having to have my PC on all the time (the server is). The script I first prepared it on my machine and later adapted it to the server instance.

Re-create the Google Drive connector on the server machine and adjust your workflow to use the new connector.

To learn about connector repositories, see this tutorial article (read before the section "Query editor"): EasyMorph | Loading data from a database. It talks mostly about database connectors, but the repository actually stores all connectors, including those for Google Drive.