Get all called morphs

Hi Dmitry,


Could you post a morph project that iteratively checks which morphs are called ?

For example. We want to show all called morphs from X.morph.
If X.morph calls Y.morph and Y.morph calls Z.morph, we would like to see in the output that from within X.morph actually Y.morph and Z.morph are called eventually.
So we would like to see the directly called morphs and the indirectly called morphs so to speak.

I have tried something with the repeat action but it does not work.

Could you post an example using the repeat action of how we can solve this type of problem ?



You can use the import file task “Project Metadata” and select the “list of tables”.
You’ll get all the modules called by any table.
With a repeat action then you can recursively explore the chain of called modules or projects



Thanks !
I know this action but it is not what I need. This gives only the called morph files in a specifiek morph file but not the morph files called in subsequent calls…
I will use this action but a need some sort of a while loop to check the whole chain of calls.
See my example above. I was trying to use the repeat action but it did not work for some reason.
I am not that familiar with that action… That’s why I requested an example.

Kind regards

@dgudkov and @cvo

Finally, I used Dmitry’s project How to process parent-child data structures as a basis for my own problem.
I highly recommend this article.