Generating SKUs and preserving them


I have am trying to access a product database that has been generated by a system supplier. There are a number of duplicate entries in there for products that have different SKUs.

I am wondering whether there is a way whereby I can generate SKUs like a number sequence e.g. 0000001 - N that can be preserved each time I reload the product database and then when new products are added the sequence can continue.

Please advise the best way to handle this.



Hi Shaheed,

you can build a table with unique products, store it in a file (or database) then append new records to it when new products are encountered in the source data. Detecting if a product already exists in the table can be done using the “Keep mismatching” action.

The “Enumerate” action would create a number sequence for all rows in the table.

You can start by looking at the “Data normalization” example that comes with EasyMorph.


It can be modified to add new records to the reference table, when necessary.

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Thank you. Your responses are useful and insightful as usual.

You’re welcome!