Formula to calculate n! (n factorial)


Is there already a function or simple workaround to calculate n! (n factorial) in EasyMorph?

Could the function be added in the near future ?

Thanks !

What formula do you need the factorial for?

Factorials can very quickly become huge numbers. It might be a good idea to just have a table with pre-calculated factorial numbers. You probably won’t need more than the first 20-25 numbers.

Hi Dmitry,

Thanks for the suggestion.
Currently, no specific use case for me personally but sometimes the factorial appears in formulas. I was doing some python and checked if such function existed in EasyMorph. Most tools have such a function (e.g. excel, powerBI).
One possible use case could be the calculation of the number of permutations or combinations.
Your workaround could also work for most cases but it will generate an additional table in the easyMorph project whereas it could be replaced with one function.

Kind regards