Export to Database (UPDATE matching, Select matching) by first value of Column


would it be possiple, to get this here? ... then i 'll not need a Module with Parameters



I wonder how that might work. If using a "first column value" then the table name must be a column in the current dataset, but the dataset is exported into the database, which means that the table will have a column with its own name.

Unless you do explicit column matching and exclude the column with table name from the export results.

Do I understand it correctly?

Hi Dmitry,
first ... thanks for reply. :pray:

The action should be able to select the table, but ignore it when mapping.

Some table names are generated/iterated dynamically at ProjectRuntime (Mapping Explicit for UPDATE matching ... don't work in same Submodule for different Tables).

The goal of INSERT/UPDATE is always dynamic (not Explicit) mapping, because the filled columns are also not always fixed (e.g. incomplete XML messages)

