I am looking for some pointers please.
The column produc_options structure default is set to none.
My SQL that updates the filed falls over is the field has no value in it.
Why is this happening and what should I do.
I am looking for some pointers please.
The column produc_options structure default is set to none.
My SQL that updates the filed falls over is the field has no value in it.
Why is this happening and what should I do.
Hi Rykie,
Can you please elaborate on what you mean by “default is set to none”? Is it set to an empty string?
Most likely the column has the “NOT NULL” constraint and you are trying to export an empty cell to that column.
If the target column is a text column, you can try to convert empty cells (which are exported as NULLs) to text cells with empty strings (which are exported as is) and the run the export.
You can convert empty cells to empty strings with the “Everything to text” mode of the “Convert data types” action.
In case you don’t want to convert other non-text values to text, you can use the “Modify column” action with the following expression: ifempty([Column], '')
Thanks, Andrew.
I will try everything to text.
The is the structure of my field in mysql
The field value can be empty at times.
Thanks, Andrew.
Looks like convert all to text did the trick.